Freeside:4:Documentation:Developer/FS/part fee
From Freeside
FS::part_fee - Object methods for part_fee records
use FS::part_fee; $record = new FS::part_fee \%hash; $record = new FS::part_fee { 'column' => 'value' }; $error = $record->insert; $error = $new_record->replace($old_record); $error = $record->delete; $error = $record->check;
An FS::part_fee object represents the definition of a fee
Fees are like packages, but instead of being ordered and then billed on a cycle, they are created by the operation of events and added to a single invoice. The fee definition specifies the fee's description, how the amount is calculated (a flat fee or a percentage of the customer's balance), and how to classify the fee for tax and reporting purposes.
FS::part_fee inherits from FS::Record. The following fields are currently supported:
- feepart - primary key; comment - a description of the fee for employee use, not shown on the invoice; disabled - 'Y' if the fee is disabled; classnum - the FS::pkg_class that the fee belongs to, for reporting and placement on multisection invoices. Unlike packages, fees must be assigned to a class; they will default to class named "Fees", which belongs to the same invoice section that normally contains taxes.; taxable - 'Y' if this fee should be considered a taxable sale. Currently, taxable fees will be treated like they exist at the customer's default service location.; taxclass - the tax class the fee belongs to, as a string, for the internal tax system; taxproductnum - the tax product family the fee belongs to, for the external tax system in use, if any; pay_weight - Weight (relative to credit_weight and other package/fee definitions) that controls payment application to specific line items.; credit_weight - Weight that controls credit application to specific line items.; agentnum - the agent (FS::agent) who uses this fee definition.; amount - the flat fee to charge, as a decimal amount; percent - the percentage of the base to charge (out of 100). If both this and "amount" are specified, the fee will be the sum of the two.; basis - the method for calculating the base: currently one of "charged", "owed", or null.; minimum - the minimum fee that should be charged; maximum - the maximum fee that should be charged; limit_credit - 'Y' to set the maximum fee at the customer's credit balance, if any.; setuprecur - whether the fee should be classified as 'setup' or 'recur', for reporting purposes.
- Creates a new fee definition. To add the record to the database, see "insert".
- insert
- Adds this record to the database. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false.
- delete
- Delete this record from the database.
- replace OLD_RECORD
- Replaces the OLD_RECORD with this one in the database. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false.
- check
- Checks all fields to make sure this is a valid example. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false. Called by the insert and replace methods.
- explanation
- Returns a string describing how this fee is calculated.
- lineitem INVOICE
- Given INVOICE (an FS::cust_bill), returns an FS::cust_bill_pkg object representing the invoice line item for the fee, with linked FS::cust_bill_pkg_fee record(s) allocating the fee to the invoice or its line items, as appropriate.
- If the fee is going to be charged on the upcoming invoice (credit card processing fees, postal invoice fees), INVOICE should be an uninserted FS::cust_bill object where the 'cust_bill_pkg' property is an arrayref of the non-fee line items that will appear on the invoice.
- itemdesc_locale LOCALE
- Returns a customer-viewable description of this fee for the given locale, from the part_fee_msgcat table. If the locale is empty or no localized fee description exists, returns part_fee.itemdesc.
- Returns the external taxes (FS::tax_rate objects) that apply to this fee, in the location specified by GEOCODE.
- categoryname
- Returns the package category name, or the empty string if there is no package category.