Freeside:4:Documentation:Developer/FS/cust bill pkg
FS::cust_bill_pkg - Object methods for cust_bill_pkg records
use FS::cust_bill_pkg; $record = new FS::cust_bill_pkg \%hash; $record = new FS::cust_bill_pkg { 'column' => 'value' }; $error = $record->insert; $error = $record->check;
An FS::cust_bill_pkg object represents an invoice line item. FS::cust_bill_pkg inherits from FS::Record. The following fields are currently supported:
- billpkgnum
- primary key
- invnum
- invoice (see FS::cust_bill)
- pkgnum
- package (see FS::cust_pkg) or 0 for the special virtual sales tax package, or -1 for the virtual line item (itemdesc is used for the line)
- pkgpart_override
- optional package definition (see FS::part_pkg) override
- setup
- setup fee
- recur
- recurring fee
- sdate
- starting date of recurring fee
- edate
- ending date of recurring fee
- itemdesc
- Line item description (overrides normal package description)
- quantity
- If not set, defaults to 1
- unitsetup
- If not set, defaults to setup
- unitrecur
- If not set, defaults to recur
- hidden
- If set to Y, indicates data should not appear as separate line item on invoice
sdate and edate are specified as UNIX timestamps; see "time" in perlfunc. Also see Time::Local and Date::Parse for conversion functions.
- Creates a new line item. To add the line item to the database, see "insert". Line items are normally created by calling the bill method of a customer object (see FS::cust_main).
- insert
- Adds this line item to the database. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false.
- void [ REASON ]
- Voids this line item: deletes the line item and adds a record of the voided line item to the FS::cust_bill_pkg_void table (and related tables).
- delete
- Not recommended.
- check
- Checks all fields to make sure this is a valid line item. If there is an error, returns the error, otherwise returns false. Called by the insert method.
- regularize_details
- Converts the contents of the 'details' pseudo-field to FS::cust_bill_pkg_detail objects, if they aren't already.
- set_exemptions TAXOBJECT, OPTIONS
- Sets up tax exemptions. TAXOBJECT is the FS::cust_main_county or FS::tax_rate record for the tax.
- This will deal with the following cases:
- Fully exempt customers ( flag) or customer classes (
- ; Customers exempt from specific named taxes (cust_main_exemption records).:; Taxes that don't apply to setup or recurring fees (cust_main_county.setuptax and recurtax, tax_rate.setuptax and recurtax).:; Packages that are marked as tax-exempt (part_pkg.setuptax, part_pkg.recurtax).:; Fees that aren't marked as taxable (part_fee.taxable).
- It does NOT deal with monthly tax exemptions, which need more context than this humble little method cares to deal with.
- OPTIONS should include "custnum" => the customer number if this tax line hasn't been inserted (which it probably hasn't).
- Returns a list of exemption objects, which will also be attached to the line item as the 'cust_tax_exempt_pkg' pseudo-field. Inserting the line item will insert these records as well.
- cust_bill
- Returns the invoice (see FS::cust_bill) for this invoice line item.
- cust_main
- Returns the customer (FS::cust_main object) for this line item.
- previous_cust_bill_pkg
- Returns the previous cust_bill_pkg for this package, if any.
- owed_setup
- Returns the amount owed (still outstanding) on this line item's setup fee, which is the amount of the line item minus all payment applications (see FS::cust_bill_pay_pkg and credit applications (see FS::cust_credit_bill_pkg).
- owed_recur
- Returns the amount owed (still outstanding) on this line item's recurring fee, which is the amount of the line item minus all payment applications (see FS::cust_bill_pay_pkg and credit applications (see FS::cust_credit_bill_pkg).
- units
- Returns the number of billing units (for tax purposes) represented by this, line item.
- _item_discount
- If this item has any discounts, returns a hashref in the format used by " items cust bill pkg" in FS/Template Mixin|FS::Template_Mixin#_items_cust_bill_pkg|"_items_cust_bill_pkg" in FS::Template_Mixin to describe the discount(s) on an invoice. This will contain the keys 'description', 'amount', 'ext_description' (an arrayref of text lines describing the discounts), and '_is_discount' (a flag).
- The value for 'amount' will be negative, and will be scaled for the package quantity.
- set_display OPTION => VALUE ...
- A helper method for insert, populates the pseudo-field display with appropriate FS::cust_bill_pkg_display objects.
- Options are passed as a list of name/value pairs. Options are:
- part_pkg: FS::part_pkg object from this line item's package.
- real_pkgpart: if this line item comes from a bundled package, the pkgpart of the owning package. Otherwise the same as the part_pkg's pkgpart above.
- disintegrate
- Returns a hash: keys are "setup", "recur" or usage classnum, values are FS::cust_bill_pkg objects, each with no more than a single class (setup or recur) of charge.
- usage CLASSNUM
- Returns the amount of the charge associated with usage class CLASSNUM if CLASSNUM is defined. Otherwise returns the total charge associated with usage.
- usage_classes
- Returns a list of usage classnums associated with this invoice line's details.
- cust_bill_pkg_tax_Xlocation
- Returns the list of associated cust_bill_pkg_tax_location and/or cust_bill_pkg_tax_rate_location objects
- recur_show_zero; credited [ BEFORE, AFTER, OPTIONS ]
- Returns the sum of credits applied to this item. Arguments are the same as owed_sql/paid_sql/credited_sql.
- tax_locationnum
- Returns the FS::cust_location number that this line item is in for tax purposes. For package sales, it's the package tax location; for fees, it's the customer's default service location.
- usage_sql
- Returns an SQL expression for the total usage charges in details on an item.
- owed_sql [ BEFORE, AFTER, OPTIONS ]
- Returns an SQL expression for the amount owed. BEFORE and AFTER specify a date window. OPTIONS may include 'no_usage' (excludes usage charges) and 'setuprecur' (set to "setup" or "recur" to limit to one or the other).
- paid_sql [ BEFORE, AFTER, OPTIONS ]
- Returns an SQL expression for the sum of payments applied to this item.
setup and recur shouldn't be separate fields. There should be one "amount" field and a flag to tell you if it is a setup/one-time fee or a recurring fee.
A line item with both should really be two separate records (preserving sdate and edate for setup fees for recurring packages - that information may be valuable later). Invoice generation (cust_main::bill), invoice printing (cust_bill), tax reports (report_tax.cgi) and line item reports (cust_bill_pkg.cgi) would need to be updated.
owed_setup and owed_recur could then be repaced by just owed, and cust_bill::open_cust_bill_pkg and cust_bill_ApplicationCommon::apply_to_lineitems could be simplified.
The upgrade procedure is pretty sketchy.
FS::Record, FS::cust_bill, FS::cust_pkg, FS::cust_main, schema.html from the base documentation.