freeside-ipifony-download - Download and import invoice items from IPifony.
freeside-ipifony-download [ -v ] [ -a archivedir ] [ -P port ] [ -C category ] [ -T taxclass ] [ -e pkgpart ] freesideuser sftpuser@hostname[:path]
freesideuser: the Freeside user to run as.
sftpuser: the SFTP user to connect as. The 'freeside' system user should have an authorization key to connect as that user.
hostname: the SFTP server.
-v: Be verbose.
-a archivedir: Save a copy of the downloaded file to archivedir.
-P port: Connect to that TCP port.
-C category: The name of a package category to use when creating package classes.
-e pkgpart: The pkgpart (FS::part_pkg) to use for E911 charges. A package of this type will be ordered for each invoice that has E911-subject line items. The 'quantity' field on this package will be set to the total quantity of those line items.
The E911 package must be a one-time package (flat rate, no frequency, no recurring fee) with setup fee equal to the fee per line.