Freeside:4:Documentation:Developer/FS/svc Parent Mixin
From Freeside
FS::svc_Parent_Mixin - Mixin class for svc_ classes with a parent_svcnum field
package FS::svc_table; use vars qw(@ISA); @ISA = qw( FS::svc_Parent_Mixin FS::svc_Common );
This is a mixin class for svc_ classes that contain a parent_svcnum field.
- parent_cust_svc
- Returns the parent FS::cust_svc object.
- parent_svc_x
- Returns the corresponding parent FS::svc_ object.
- children_cust_svc
- Returns a list of any child FS::cust_svc objects.
- Note: This is not recursive; it only returns direct children.
- children_svc_x
- Returns the corresponding list of child FS::svc_ objects.
- check
- This class provides a check subroutine which takes care of checking the parent_svcnum field. The svc_ class which uses it will call SUPER::check at the end of its own checks, and this class will call NEXT::check to pass the check "up the chain" (see NEXT).
Do we need a recursive child finder for multi-layered children?