From Freeside
Install Freeside on a firewalled, private server, not a public (web, RADIUS, etc.) server.
- Perl, minimum version 5.8.4
- Apache, SSL highly recommended)
- mod_perl
- If compiling your own mod_perl, make sure you set the EVERYTHING=1 compile-time option
- A transactional database engine supported by Perl's DBI.
- PostgreSQL is recommended (v7.2 or later, v8.1 or later recommended).
- MySQL (v4.1 or later, v5 recommended) is supported. DBIx::DBSchema 0.35 or later is required.
Note: the above only applies to the database used by the Freeside software itself. Freeside can integrate with RADIUS and other servers running a different database than the backend.
- TeX (teTeX / TeX Live) and Ghostscript (included with most distributions) (Optional, enables typeset invoices)
Perl modules
Popular modules
These modules are included in most distributions.
- libwww-perl (CPAN: "install Bundle::LWP")
- DBD for your database engine (DBD::Pg for PostgreSQL or DBD::mysql for MySQL)
- Date::Manip
- DateTime
- Frontier::RPC2
- GD::Barcode
- IPC::Run
- IPC::Run3
- MailTools (CPAN: "install Mail::Internet")
- MIME::Tools (Note: do not use version 5.423)
- Net::SNMP
- SOAP::Lite
- TimeDate (CPAN: "install Date::Format")
- XML::Simple
Common modules
These modules are included in many distributions.
- Chart (CPAN: "install Chart::Base")
- Cache::Cache
- DateTime::Format::Strptime
- DateTime-Format-Natural
- Email::Sender
- Email::Sender::Transport::SMTP::TLS
- Excel::Writer::XLSX
- HTML::Mason
- Locale-Codes (CPAN: "install Locale::Country")
- Locale::SubCountry
- Log::Dispatch
- NetAddr::IP
- Net::Ping
- Net::Ping::External
- Number::Format
- Spreadsheet::WriteExcel
- String::Approx
- Text::CSV_XS
- Term::ReadKey
- Text::Template
Additional modules
- Authen::Passphrase
- Business::CreditCard
- Business::US::USPS::WebTools
- Color::Scheme
- Crypt::PasswdMD5
- Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA
- Date::Simple
- DateTime::Set
- DBIx::DBSchema
- File::CounterFile
- File::Slurp
- Geo::Coder::Googlev3
- Geo::GoogleEarth::Pluggable
- HTML::Defang
- HTML::ElementTable
- HTML::TableExtract
- HTML::Widgets::SelectLayers
- IO::Scalar
- IO::String
- IPC::Run::SafeHandles
- Lingua::EN::NameParse
- Lingua::EN::Inflect
- Net::Domain::TLD
- Net::OpenSSH
- Net::SSH
- Net::Whois::Raw
- String::ShellQuote
- Tie::IxHash
- Time::Duration
- XML::LibXML::LazyBuilder
Optional modules
- Apache::DBI (recommended for better web interface performance)
- Fax::Hylafax::Client (only if faxing invoices)
- POE (only if using alternate standalone XML-RPC server)
- Sys::SigAction (only if port combining with network monitoring)
Note on missing modules
Prerequisites missing from the documentation? Please add them (in the appropriate section).
Download Freeside
- Get the source from one of the normal places
- Uncompress the tarball
System User
- Add the user and group `freeside' to your system.
Database User
- Allow the freeside user full access to the freeside database.
with Postgresql:
[ as postgres/pgsql user ] $ createuser -P freeside Enter password for new role: Enter it again: Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) n Shall the new role be allowed to create databases? (y/n) y Shall the new role be allowed to create more new roles? (y/n) n
or with MySQL:
$ mysqladmin -u root password 'set_a_root_database_password' $ mysql -u root -p mysql> GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,INDEX,ALTER,CREATE,DROP on freeside.* TO freeside@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'set_a_freeside_database_password';
Database Access
- Edit the top-level Makefile:
- Configure the DATASOURCE to your DBI data source
- Set the DB_TYPE (Pg or mysql)
- See the DBI manpage and the manpage for your DBD for the exact syntax of your DBI data source.
- Set DB_PASSWORD to the freeside database user's password.
- Configure the DATASOURCE to your DBI data source
- Add the freeside database to your database engine:
with Postgres:
$ su freeside $ createdb -E UTF8 freeside
or with MySQL:
$ mysqladmin -u freeside -p create freeside
Perl Modules
- Build and install the Perl modules:
$ make perl-modules $ su # make install-perl-modules
Basic configuration Files
- Create the necessary configuration files:
$ su # make create-config
Invoice Typesetting
- If you are using typeset invoices, install fslongtable.sty:
$ su # make install-texmf
Apache & Web GUI
- Configuration
- Enable mod_perl
- Run as
User freeside
- If you have other things being served by Apache on this machine (hopefully internal things), it is recommended to run a separate iteration of Apache as the freeside user.
- Edit the Makefile and set
- To install the web interface, run:
$ su # make install-docs
- Edit the Makefile and set
to 1 (mod_perl v1.XX), 1.99 (mod_perl v2 prereleases up to and including 1.999_21, shipped with Debian 3.1, CentOS/RHEL 4, others), or 2 (mod_perl v2 proper and prereleases 1.999_22 and later).
- Edit the Makefile and set
to the location of an Apache include directory (not a file). (If your Apache doesn't have an existing include directory, create one and add a line such as "Include /etc/apache/conf.d
" to httpd.conf.)
- To install the apache configs, run:
$ su # make install-apache
Note: Do not attempt to restart Apache (httpd) yet.
Initialize Data
- As the freeside UNIX user, run
freeside-setup -d
to create the database tables and initial data.
$ su freeside $ freeside-setup -d
Additional System Users
- Create the Freeside system users:
$ su freeside $ freeside-adduser -g 1 fs_queue $ freeside-adduser -g 1 fs_daily $ freeside-adduser -g 1 fs_selfservice
Create Freeside Users
- Create one or more Freeside users (your internal sales/tech folks, not customer accounts):
$ su freeside $ freeside-adduser -g 1 username $ htpasswd /usr/local/etc/freeside/htpasswd username Password:
Additional users can be added using the same command or from the web interface.
Queue Daemon
- freeside-queued was installed with the Perl modules. Start it now and ensure that is run upon system startup (Do this manually, or edit the top-level Makefile, replacing
with the appropriate location on your system andQUEUED_USER
with the username of a Freeside user you created above, and runmake install-init
- Either install the integrated RT ticketing system, or delete the
entry from your conf table.
su freeside psql freeside delete from conf where name = 'ticket_system';
- Restart Apache (httpd) and log into the web interface using the username and password you entered above.
- Now proceed to the initial administration of your installation.