Freeside:2.1:Documentation:RT Installation:Ubuntu
From Freeside
Install RT on Ubuntu system - Tested with Ubuntu 10.4 Lts
Install Dependancies
- Install dependancy for Crypt::SSLeay
apt-get install libssl-dev
- Install Perl Modules (WTF, are none of these available as packages in Ubuntu? They should all be in Debian. -Ivan)
cpan Apache::Session HTML::TreeBuilder HTML::FormatText Test::Inline Class::ReturnValue DBIx::SearchBuilder Log::Dispatch Locale::Maketext::Lexicon cpan Locale::Maketext::Fuzzy Text::Wrapper Time::ParseDate Term::ReadKey Text::Autoformat Text::Quoted Regexp::Common HTML::Scrubber Tree::Simple cpan Crypt::SSLeay GD::Graph UNIVERSAL::require XML::RSS Calendar::Simple GD::Graph GD::Text CSS::Squish cpan File::ShareDir HTML::RewriteAttributes MIME::Types PerlIO::eol GnuPG::Interface Data::ICal Text::WikiFormat Net::Server cpan HTTP::Server::Simple HTTP::Server::Simple::Mason Module::Versions::Report DateTime::Set IPC::Run::SafeHandles
Follow the regular installation instructions.