The .deb installation of Freeside is experimental.
Make sure to remove any FS:: libraries installed in your Perl @INC (probaby under /usr/local/share/) before attempting to install a packaged Freeside. Also stop and remove any existing Freeside daemon processes and init scripts.
The currently available Freeside packages are architecture-independent and are available for Debian 5.0 "lenny" (stable) and Debian "sid" (unstable).
Installing the .deb version of Freeside may not be a good idea if you plan to do development on Freeside as the .debs may not include all the files supplied in the tarball.
The Debian version of Freeside does include Request Tracker at this time. There is no package of the self-service interface yet. A single package provides both PostgreSQL and MySQL support. Though the prompts ask you for many database options, only a local database via the default connection method works. The version and release of the Debian package is shown in the "Billing Main" page in Freeside.
- For Debian 5.0 "lenny" (stable), add the following apt sources to
deb ./ deb ./
- OR, for Debian "sid" (unstable), add the following apt source to
deb ./
- Run
aptitude update
- If you don't already have PostgreSQL or MySQL installed, run
aptitude install postgresql-8.3
oraptitude install mysql-server
- Run
aptitude --visual-preview install freeside
. Inspect the actions to be taken and then hit "g" to proceed. (If you're installing on an X-less machine, you may wish to doaptitude --visual-preview install freeside links
to prevent extra dependencies from being pulled in).
- At this time, you can pick the database type (pgsql or mysql), database user and database name. Leave the other options (remote databases, alternate connection options) at their defaults.
Finalizing the installation
- Edit /etc/apache2/envvars or /etc/apache2/apache2.conf and set User and Group to freeside
/etc/init.d/apache2 restart
- Create one or more Freeside users (your internal sales/tech folks, not customer accounts):
$ su # su freeside $ freeside-adduser -g 1 username $ htpasswd /etc/freeside/htpasswd username (enter password)
- Go to
and log in.
- Proceed to the initial administration of your installation.