Freeside:Documentation:Administration:Phone devices
From Freeside
Phone devices
Phone devices are things like ATAs, VoIP phones, softphones, and so forth.
- Configuration -> Services -> Phone -> View/Edit phone device types: Add a type for each kind of phone device (each VoIP phone or ATA model)
Optional MAC addresses from inventory
- Configuration -> Miscellaneous -> Inventory classes and inventory: Add an inventory class of MAC addresses for each device type
- Configuration -> Services -> Phone -> View/Edit phone device types: Assign the appropriate inventory class to each device typee
- (As of Q1 2013) The Netsapiens, Grandstream and phone_shellcommands ("Run remote commands via SSH") provisioning exports support phone devices. Configure an export of one of these types and add it to the appropriate service definition.
- When adding or editing a device type, also select the desired export.
- Provision a customer's phone service as usual
Adding devices
- On the phone view page, click "Add device" at the bottom, under E911 information
- Select a device type
- For device types configured without a MAC address from inventory, fill in the text MAC address.
- Or for device types configured with a MAC address from inventory, select the MAC address from the dropdown.
- Click on "Add Phone device"
Editing devices
- On the phone view page, in the "Devices" section under E911 information, click on the "edit" link next to the device to edit.
Deleting devices
- On the phone view page, in the "Devices" section under E911 information, click on the "delete" link next to the device to edit.